Don’t include personal or financial information like your National Insurance number or credit card details. The new Ofsted education inspection framework (EIF) has now had a term to settle. For state-funded schools, this only applies to section 5 inspections. Published 14 May 2019 Last … Ofsted’s new curriculum-focused inspection framework means that schools' "outstanding" judgements are about to become even more out of date, Amanda Spielman has warned.. Despite ongoing protests from some parents and religious groups, LGBT-inclusive lessons which teach tolerance of diverse people and families will be compulsory in all UK schools from September 2020. When it is in scope of the DfE’s commission for that inspection and inspectors find evidence that the school does not promote pupils’ awareness and understanding of all the protected characteristics effectively, they will take account of this in their judgements about whether the ISS are met. The education inspection framework handbook places a duty on inspectors to assess how far schools are compliant with equalities legislation. However, a school’s compliance with the statutory requirements will not impact inspection judgements until the start of the summer term 2021. The Public Sector Equality Duty in section 149 of the Equality Act 2010 requires Ofsted, when exercising all our functions, to have due regard to the need to: … “Leaders judged that it was inappropriate to provide lessons for any year group in the school dealing with matters relating to gender reassignment or sexual orientation.”. Ofsted’s position on LGBT programmes in schools. Ofsted has yet to clarify how inspectors will manage to cover the requirements of the new, extended framework within one day in those small schools. If they find evidence that the school does not promote pupils’ awareness and understanding of all the protected characteristics effectively, they may recommend that the school’s next inspection be a section 5 inspection. Meeting the Current Ofsted Framework The latest Ofsted framework has placed an increased emphasis on preventing and tackling the bullying of vulnerable groups, including Lesbian, Gay, … It also reflects the fact that Relationships and Sex Education … Under the EIF, this non-compliance consequently means it will not ordinarily receive a leadership and management better than requires improvement. Beis Rochel Mcr Girls’ School wants to register as as an independent school for 200 girls aged from two to 11. We use this information to make the website work as well as possible and improve government services. URN that Ofsted inspects will receive an inspection report.9 However, Ofsted may seek to coordinate the inspection of certain groups of schools where this is possible. The annual report looks at the performance of schools in 2018-19 and what Ofsted identifies as key issues in early years, schools, further education and children’s social care. Primary schools could, for example, teach pupils about the different types of family groups that exist within society. This sets out that schools must make pupils aware of the protected characteristics to the extent that it is considered age-appropriate to do so. No place for bullying 4 June 2012, No. This will not, however, impact on the leadership and management judgement except when inspectors consider it relevant to the effectiveness of the school’s safeguarding arrangements. The Department for Education has announced two new appointments and a re-appointment to the Ofsted Board. A shift away from teacher focussed, outcome driven inspections and a decisive step towards the curriculum centric. All primary and secondary schools, whether state-funded or independent, should be able to demonstrate that no form of discrimination is tolerated and that pupils show respect for those who share the protected characteristics. (Christopher Furlong/Getty). Ofsted criticises Chasidic primary for not teaching LGBT awareness. Exploring the school’s actions to prevent and tackle homophobic and transphobic bullying. LGBT-inclusive education, “In documents presented to the inspector, there was a clear indication that the proprietor and his advisers intend not to make pupils aware of matters related to sexual orientation or gender reassignment. It seems Beis Rochel school leaders believed this did not apply to them, as Ofsted noted they “intend not to make pupils aware of matters related to sexual orientation or gender reassignment”. The headquarters of Ofsted in London. New Ofsted Document – Briefing for section 5 inspection . This will not, however, impact on the leadership and management judgement except when inspectors consider it relevant to the effectiveness of the school’s safeguarding arrangements. Attached are the flexible learning materials provided by Ofsted on inspecting provision and outcomes for LGBT pupils in schools. Pajes recently warned Jewish schools of a “disparity of opinion” between the DfE and Ofsted over LGBT teaching, after Ofsted criticism of several Charedi primaries. Any effort to make schools rethink these practices for this particular group should be up for consideration. If an independent secondary school does not teach about LGBT relationships, it will fail to meet the ISS listed above. When full inspections of state-funded and independent schools resume, inspectors will assess the school’s readiness to comply with the DfE’s statutory guidance, and comment on this in the inspection report. LGBT relationships education, Published 14 May 2019. The Ofsted Education Inspection Framework (EIF) came into effect in September promising to advance equality of opportunity for all learners. Our annual initiative, School Diversity Week, empowers school staff and pupils across the UK to tackle homophobic, biphobic, and transphobic bullying by organising activities that celebrate LGBT+ equality in education.In 2020, schools and colleges representing 1.9 million young people signed up to take part in School Diversity Week, demonstrating to their … 10. In 2013, Ofsted highlighted a connection between outstanding schools and the provision of high quality PSHE lessons. All evidence is securely transferred to Ofsted’s systems. It seemed like something of a change of course for our national regulatory body. Ofsted have recognised the stress and pressure teachers are under with regards to their workload, and also the contribution inspections can have towards this and as such, have attempted to address these in the new framework by ‘no longer relying on teachers’ internal data performance for their inspections’. The Department for Education (DfE) announced the appointment of 5 new non-executive members of the Ofsted Board: Julie Kirkbride, Hamid Patel CBE, Martin Spencer, Carole Stott MBE, Baroness Laura Wyld. If it cannot do this (for example, if it has not consulted parents and has no plans to do so before the start of the summer term 2021), inspectors will normally judge that the school has failed to meet the ISS above. However, Ofsted makes no requirement for LGBT teaching to be included across the curriculum, and the watchdog says it respects schools’ autonomy. Some schools have raised questions about what they should teach in relation to the ‘protected characteristics’ in the Equality Act 2010, particularly the sexual orientation and gender reassignment characteristics. We’ll send you a link to a feedback form. The Importance of PSHE Under the New Ofsted Framework. These are my thoughts on how the 2019 ofsted framework may affect your school and some ideas that may help to formulate your response.. 167. If it is out of scope of the commission, inspectors will follow the guidance set out in the handbook on checking standards beyond the scope of the DfE’s commission. The new Ofsted Inspection Framework for 2019 was announced by Ofsted in 2018. They should still be able to show how they will cover the whole curriculum in the future’, have an up-to-date policy, which is made available to parents and others and consult parents in developing and reviewing that policy in all cases, take into account the age and religious background of all pupils and ensure that their teaching is appropriate to their age and religious background, to ensure that the topics outlined in the statutory guidance are appropriately handled, must not unlawfully discriminate against pupils by treating them less favourably because they have one or more of the protected characteristics, must make reasonable adjustments to alleviate disadvantage, for example by taking positive action to deal with particular disadvantages affecting a group because of a protected characteristic. Schools are not required to teach about all the protected characteristics in every year group; that is a matter for the school to decide, and how it plans its curriculum. The Public Sector Equality Duty in section 149 of the Equality Act 2010 requires Ofsted, when exercising all our functions, to have due regard to the need to: We have taken this into account in this page. For example, they may explain that same-sex relationships and gender reassignment are not permitted by a particular religion. The new framework now requires inspectors to assess how far schools are compliant with equalities legislation, but also … 2019's Ofsted Framework changes threw a spanner in the works for many school leaders. Clearly something will have to give. The government policy on LGBT-inclusive education says that schools can decide when and how they want to deliver the LGBT-inclusive lessons, as long as they deliver them. You’ve accepted all cookies. If it cannot do this, for example if it has failed to consult with parents, inspectors will normally judge that the school has failed to meet the ISS above. A Jewish girls’ primary school in Manchester has fallen short of Ofsted standards as it is refusing to teach its pupils about the existence of LGBT+ people. Schools will not be able to demonstrate this by pointing to a general policy of encouraging respect for all people. They will use this evidence as part of evaluating and coming to judgements on 3 main areas: If inspectors identify at inspection that a school is not teaching about all the protected characteristics, they will always report on this and will explain how (if at all) it has affected the school’s inspection judgements. The document attched below in PDF format was published by Ofsted in September 2013 . The report concluded that the school is unlikely to meet all the independent school standards when it opens. Secondary schools could, for example, teach pupils in more detail about sexuality and gender identity as well as the legal rights afforded to LGBT people. Schools are at liberty to teach the tenets of any faith on the protected characteristics. To help us improve GOV.UK, we’d like to know more about your visit today. The school will not ordinarily receive a judgement for this better than requires improvement. No matter what type of school they attend, it is important that all children leave with an understanding of the world they are growing up in, having learned how to live alongside, and show respect for, a diverse range of people. Schools given "outstanding" grades are exempt from routine … Ofsted is required to inspect at prescribed intervals all schools to which section 5 applies.10 The regulations set the interval for section 5 inspections ‘within five The National Secular Society has welcomed a commitment to inclusion in an updated school inspection framework for 2019 from the education watchdog Ofsted. On the contentious issues of sex education and LGBT relationships, Ofsted’s head argued why it could not budge; it was simply applying the law. On an additional inspection, from the start of summer term 2021, if it is in scope of the DfE’s commission for the inspection, and inspectors find evidence that a school is not meeting the requirements of the DfE’s statutory guidance, they will take this into account in their judgements about whether the ISS are met. Thoughts on the 2019 Ofsted Framework Relating to Curriculum. There are 2 paragraphs in the ISS that expressly require independent schools to encourage respect for the protected characteristics: The DfE’s non-statutory guidance on the ISS contains further information for schools on meeting the above requirements. If a school does not promote pupils’ awareness and understanding of all the protected characteristics effectively, this may result in a ‘requires improvement’ judgement for personal development, particularly if inspectors identify one or more other weaknesses in the school’s promotion of and provision for pupils’ personal development. Inspectors will consider this when making the leadership and management judgement. The OfSTED framework 2019 is interested in the rounded quality of education. This framework sets out Ofsted's inspection principles and the main judgements that inspectors make. This page explains Ofsted’s approach on inspection to evaluating how schools go about meeting their duties. The school will not ordinarily receive a judgement for this better than requires improvement. The report states: “Leaders do not have a suitable [PSHE education] that pays particular regard to the protected characteristics set out in the Equality Act 2010. All lessons will be age appropriate, and at primary school level – the age of Bei Rochel’s prospective students – children will simply be taught of the existence of LGBT+ people and LGBT+ families. … We use cookies to collect information about how you use GOV.UK. If it cannot do this, for example if it has failed to consult with parents, inspectors will consider this when making the leadership and management judgement. No Outsiders, From January 2021, when carrying out monitoring inspections and no formal designation inspections in state-funded schools, inspectors will normally only talk to schools about their readiness to comply with the DfE’s statutory guidance, and comment on this in the inspection report, if it is relevant to the scope of the inspection (see paragraphs 132, 171, 197 and 219 of the section 8 inspection handbook). 110179 Executive summary A wide body of research indicates that bullying is a problem for many young people, and that some of this takes place in schools.1 The aim of this survey was to evaluate the effectiveness of the actions that schools take to create a positive school culture All content is available under the Open Government Licence v3.0, except where otherwise stated, Inspections and performance of education providers, Inspecting teaching of the protected characteristics in schools, How we inspect teaching of the protected characteristics in schools, Leadership and management and the DfE’s statutory guidance,, ‘protected characteristics’ in the Equality Act 2010, effectiveness of leadership and management, statutory guidance on relationships education, relationships and sex education and health education, additional inspection of a non-association independent school, relevant provisions of the Equality Act 2010, carrying out a phased return to inspection, Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance and support, Check how the new Brexit rules affect you, Transparency and freedom of information releases, eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by or under the Equality Act 2010, advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it, foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it, for non-association independent schools, whether the school meets the, ‘that are ready to teach these subjects and have met the requirements set out in the statutory guidance, including those relating to engagement with parents and carers, are encouraged to begin delivering teaching from 1 September 2020, or whenever is practicable to do so within the first few weeks of the new school year’, ‘that are not ready to teach the new subjects, or are unable to adequately meet the requirements because of the challenging circumstances, should aim to start preparations to deliver the new curriculum as soon as possible and start teaching the new content by at least the start of the summer term 2021’, that are unable to start teaching the new subjects until the start of the summer term 2021, ‘will need to decide how much of the content they will be able to cover. However, if they do so, they must also explain the legal rights LGBT people have under UK law, and that this and LGBT people must be respected. On a section 8 inspection of a state-funded school, inspectors do not give a judgement for leadership and management. But Beis Rochel reportedly conducted their own ‘risk assessment’ on the curriculum and decided the lessons would not be appropriate for any year group in their school. We are currently carrying out a phased return to inspection. The DfE’s statutory guidance requires that all schools must: The DfE expects secondary schools, state-funded or independent, to deliver teaching on LGBT relationships and encourages primary schools to do so. Before the start of summer term 2021, if a secondary school does not teach about LGBT relationships and does not have adequate plans in place to meet the requirements of the DfE’s statutory guidance by the start of the summer term 2021, inspectors will comment on this in the inspection report. Protesters demonstrate against the 'No Outsiders' programme at Parkfield Community School on March 21, 2019 in Birmingham, England. We intend to resume full inspections in the 2020 to 2021 academic year, but are keeping the timing under review. The new Ofsted Framework states that: ‘Those pupils behind age-related expectations are provided with the opportunities to learn the mathematical knowledge and skills that are necessary to catch up with their peers’, and this is something we specialise in here at Third Space Learning. When we inspect schools, we assess how well they equip children to do this. To view this licence, visit or write to the Information Policy Team, The National Archives, Kew, London TW9 4DU, or email: Longer, 90 minute, initial phone call with lead inspector. Ofsted guidance on inspecting maintained schools and academies in England under the education inspection framework. When it is out of scope of the DfE’s commission, inspectors will follow the guidance set out in the handbook on checking standards beyond the scope of the DfE’s commission. But it failed Ofsted’s pre-registration checks as it deemed LGBT-inclusive lessons to be “inappropriate”. For independent schools, this only applies to standard inspections. From the start of summer term 2021, if a secondary school does not teach about LGBT relationships, it will not be meeting the requirements of the DfE’s statutory guidance. Dawn Jotham considers what the EIF means in the context of equality and diversity in SecEd.. May 2019 update – Following the Ofsted consultation 2019, Ofsted then released their new Ofsted framework 2019. The statutory guidance gives the example of taking positive action to support girls if there is evidence that they are being disproportionately subjected to sexual harassment, ensure that teaching reflects the law (including the Equality Act 2010) as it applies to relationships, so that young people clearly understand what the law allows and does not allow, and the wider implications of decisions they may make, ensure that the materials used to support teaching are appropriate for the age and maturity of pupils and sensitive to their needs, ensure that the needs of all pupils are appropriately met, and all pupils understand the importance of equality and respect, ensure that teaching is sensitive and age-appropriate in approach and content, work closely with parents in all cases when planning and delivering the subjects, ensuring that parents know what will be taught and when, and clearly communicate the fact that parents have the right to request that the child be withdrawn from some or all of sex education delivered as part of statutory, Paragraph 2(2)(d)(ii) requires proprietors to provide a: ‘personal, social, health and economic education which… encourages respect for other people, paying particular regard to the protected characteristics set out in the 2010 [Equality] Act.’, Paragraph 5(b)(vi) requires proprietors to ‘ensure that principles are actively promoted which… encourage respect for other people, paying particular regard to the protected characteristics set out in the 2010 [Equality] Act’. 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