/ Fun Facts for Kids / 10 Salamander Facts for Kids. Spring Salamanders can also be found under stones and logs near stream edges (Wild Portraits, 2000). Spotted salamanders in Alabama are like the night-blooming cereus—they only come out once a year, at night “Night Blooming Cereus,” by Jenny. But when they mature, they live on land. 1. Interesting Facts. Salamanders are nocturnal. Interesting Facts: Blue-spotted salamanders spend most of the year underground, usually beneath leaf litter. Four-toed Salamander (Hemidactylium scutatum), a Special Concern species, prefers northern and southern hardwood forests and to a lesser degree, conifer swamps.It overwinters from November through late March by burrowing underground to avoid freezing. Spotted Salamander Fast Fact – In the wild, the Spotted Salamander has been known to live up to 20 years, which is pretty incredible for a small amphibian like this. Some salamander species can be poisonous and some even have teeth. The name Salamander comes from the Greek word for Fire Lizard. They hibernate. Spotted salamanders migrate to breeding ponds in late winter and early spring once temperatures begin to warm up and rain showers arrive. They secrete a mild sticky toxin from their backs and tails to discourage predators from eating them. Mating can occur in fall or spring at breeding ponds, seepage pools or springs. Cool Facts. Spring Salamanders are semi-aquatic, spending a majority of their time in springs, wet caves, and cool, clear mountain brooks (Tenn. Aquarium, 1998). Spotted salamanders are native to North America and can be found in the southern portion of Canada from Nova Scotia to the Gaspé Peninsula. They are able to locate their pond even when moved hundreds of yards away . According to Friends of Shades Creek, organizers of the annual Salamander Festival in West Homewood, “Spotted salamanders come out only once a year, on a warm rainy night. Salamanders are nocturnal. Salamanders are plentiful in the amphibian community. This means they live underwater when they hatch. There are about 500 members of the amphibian community that can be considered salamanders. Spotted Salamander Despite being fairly large and having an extremely broad range, the spotted salamander is actually pretty hard to, well, spot. Salamander eggs are clear and jelly-like, much like frog eggs. Range and Habitat In fact, baby salamanders are just like baby frogs; their eggs are laid in water and the young are born without legs. The Japanese giant salamander is the largest living amphibian in the world. Here are five fun facts about spotted salamanders: Spotted salamanders are amphibians. They’re also located in the eastern portion of the United States, from the north shores of Lake Michigan through southern Georgia and to the eastern parts of Texas and Iowa. CC BY-ND 2.0. navajocodetalkersadmin on February 13, 2015 - 12:00 pm in Fun Facts for Kids. Overview Overview. Salamander Fun Facts. They hibernate. Secretive and expert at hiding, spotted salamanders live in forests throughout much of the eastern United States and Canada. The spotted salamander, for example, spends most of its time in burrows made by short-tailed shrews. Meet our featured animal: the spotted salamander! Adult spotted salamanders live about 20 years, but some have been recorded to live as long as 30 years. 10 Salamander Facts for Kids. It can grow to five feet in length! This name came about when salamanders came running out of the logs they had been hiding in when those logs were thrown on a fire. In fact, the distribution of the spotted salamander is nearly identical to the range of the short-tailed shrew. Though these bluish-black salamanders are large—about seven inches (18 centimeters) long—and distinctly marked with bright yellow or orange spots, they're still not easy to find. 3. They're active only at night.