Thank you! I have read tallow stinks(grass fed) .but if its hung for 3wks then it u believe this is true? About how much suet comes from one cow? Your rendered tallow should last quite a long time in the refrigerator and freezer. © Copyright 2020 Hearst Communications, Inc. It’s going to render up pretty quickly, so stay near the Instant Pot. I am super excited the next time we get a deer or elk to render their tallow as well. After the last time, I just let the carafes sit a couple of weeks. Also, while this is late to the game, I might remind most of you southerners, and those of us from Texas, cracklins’ used to always be put into cornbread, etc. Or you can freeze it! Simmer the fat on low for a few hours, until the fat starts to shrivel. But I’m faced with something I did not expect: the ground beef fat separates into two layers. You inspired me to call a local butcher (which processes mostly homegrown pork/beef grown by homesteaders like us) and he is going to give me 15-20 lbs of lard for FREE! tereza crump aka MyTreasuredCreations says. I’ll have to think about that… I’m not sure why that would have happened. I bought some on line and there it sits. » Blog Archive » making tallow for face cream! It has a cellophane-ish coating on it and feels kind of waxy. it’s vacuumed sealed after each use. I simply strain the first rendering (thru a cheesecloth-lined colander) into a second big clean stockpot. I’m sure you won’t get back to me in time, so I’ll update you on how it goes! After clogging my drain with the “waste” fat, and seeing the lovely lump of tallow that the repairman pulled out of my drain, I started pouring off and refrigerating the “waste” fat from my ground beef. Yes- tallow can be tricky to wash out… I would start by giving it a good rinse in hot soapy water while the tallow is still hot and liquid. Great idea. Want some advice maybe put some rose water for scent. When you had it in the crockpot, was it on high or low? My Mom used to renderfat and she would use the cracklings in tea biscuits …so yummy!!! Thank you for the tips and hints. HI there~ LOVE your blog! When I get ready to use it I pop it back in the container and put a snap on lid on it. So, when re-rendering comes time, I just place the carafes on the heater and pour into the rendering pot. I really enjoy reading your posts & learn so much. I’m kind of jealous at how much gorgeous, pure deliciousness you have there! Btw I didn’t food process it, just cut it in tiny chunks. pour in the hot fat to just where the curve on the jar ends, wipe the rim well, put the lid on tight. ideas? Also, I saw in another article that for lard the crispies that float on the top can be used like bacon bits to sprinkle on food or salads. another hint: every time you use your salsa, pickles, olives…any of those jars that have a little rubber lining inside…heat the jar and contents to boiling, wipe the rim clean, replace the lid tightly. Jill, do you know if one can make tallow from lamb fat? Is this right? And it’s one of those homestead skills I think everyone should have in their repertoire. It was great fun. It’s in the crockpot right now smelling oh so good!! Absolutely! Should I have cooked longer? I bought a couple whole NY Strips..I cut off all the fat because we use it for things like fajitas etc. I heard people using it interchangeably and they aren’t. 7. Recent studies have shown that human beings need at least 50% of saturated fats like tallow and lard to keep the heart pumping hard and healthy. Tallow is not just any old beef fat, however. Your work is very much needed and will be needed even more in the age that is upon us as we become our sickest yet and so will need this wisdom of true health and living. I lable the bags so I know if it’s beef or bear etc. It’s called suet, and the best stuff for rendering is going to be solid and firm. I chose to go with the dry method, as it just seemed simpler and there is less concern about the fat going rancid. [Results in a big. I had my 6-quart crockpot full, and it took 5-6 hours to render. One of the thing I’m excited about is having the fat to render, I’m a soap maker and would much rather use our organic grassfed oil than something that has to be transferred miles to get to us!!! This blog stretches over several years, but I thought I would add my comments. During roasting a lot of fat is rendered from the marrow. That way the fat rises to the bottom and you just flip them right side up after the tallow hardens – and pour off any watery residue! I love it. Looking forward to cooking with healthy fat!!! I’m learning so much. Perfect. This is double-rendered suet. Suet cakes for the birds have to stand up to the weather. Smells like piss and very strong. Mixing two types of fat not really a good idea depending on what you are using them for. I’ve never done poultry fat– sorry. Simply put, tallow is a form of beef fat that can be used for a variety of different products ranging from soaps to body butters. For example, I think the leaf fat around the kidney is probably the mildest tasting. . I did have to cut the kidneys out of the middle of the fat mass, but the rest of the trimming was minimal. Just an FYI. The last time I lifted the lid to check it, it smoked a little and after straining it the color leaned a little more to the light brown side. And what a great find, especially since you saved it from the dumpster. Did you check the temp before you strained? I had slow cooked my fat for several hours, checking it about every half hour. I am just now getting into soap making and loved your article. Rendering suet (also called "tallow") which is beef fat, is the process of heating it to the melting point. The winter issue of Wise Traditions contains a wonderful article on making skin creme from beef or sheep tallow and Radiant Life sells a soothing tallow body balm. Hi Chuck- what kind of beef fat did you start with? I purchase lard at our local grocery store for making bird suet and melting it doesn’t bother me. The method is exactly the same as using a slow cooker– just be sure to keep the burner on LOW and check frequently to make sure you’re not burning it. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Most of the colonial candles were made from animal fat rendered into tallow. Learn how your comment data is processed. Homesteading | Self Sufficient Living | Living off the Land, 253 Comments | Jill Winger |    Last Updated: June 5, 2020. Enjoy! As in, I tossed chucks back in the crock pot and put it in the cold room until ‘later, when I have time’. I’m hoping the tallow will give me the flavor and consistency I’m looking for. It has been over 50 years since I butchered and rendered Lard. So glad to read your experience today. Fortunately, there are a handful of companies who have popped up in recent years who are manufacturing high-quality, grass-fed beef tallow. i bug packaged ground beef or chicken cut up in quarters or eighths. The hardest parts were trimming the meat away from the fat (which isn’t that difficult), and trying not to give in to my two aussies who were glued to my side waiting for something to fall off the cutting board (much more difficult)! Just a question, when you say lowest heat would that be “low” or “warm” on a standard crockpot? I am trying to stay away from glass storage as much as possible as we live in earthquake country.. It was wonderful lanolin soap. I was delighted to cut it up and remove so much fat. Scoop the ground beef in small quantities and tap the spoon on the skillet to remove as much fat as possible. Wonderfully said. I bought a Costco brisket at $3.19 a pound. You do need to pressure can, not water bath can it, at 100-120 minutes at 10 pounds of pressure. I suggest trying Ancestral Supplements Beef Tallow or Epic Grassfed Tallow. I cooked in the crockpot and the fat floated to the top, and even got crispy. Temp of fat? I would very much like to consume this fat rather than waste it. Enjoy! One go of 2,5 hours and a second time of 2,5 hours? My sis and BIL usually buy half a cow from a local farmer (they go in with another family.) Did you educate yourself, of do you know this in a professional capacity? It was fairly easy to pull the whole she-bang out of the carcass and I plopped it into a bucket to refrigerate until the next day. I literally have it in the crock pot now, and need to get to bed. Ghee (clarified butter) is allowed in Stage 3 of […], […] was feeling a little adventurous last night so I decided to try my hand at rendering suet (fat) into tallow. He said there wasn’t any of the tallow fat wrapped around the kidneys. I think it is such a valuable skill to have. When I popped the tallow out of the bowl as some other posters have suggested, there was still liquid attached to the bottom. . Rendered butter (aka clarified butter) is called ghee. If you don’t have a processor, you can simply chop the fat into small pieces, but shredding it makes the rendering process go much faster. My question is this: Do you see any issue with pouring the rendered fat into ice cube trays to freeze then pop out later and store in plastic bags in the freezer? Next time I am wearing gloves! It is the rendered form of suet, which is the nutrient-rich beef or mutton fat found around the organs, particularly the kidneys. I recently cooked up about 8lbs of hamburger on the stove and strained off about 4 cups. Did three lbs. Just purchased some suet from the local butcher shop ($1.00 a pound, not bad I guess). . It was fairly easy to pull the whole she-bang out of the carcass and I plopped it into a bucket to refrigerate until the next day after we had the bulk of the meat cut up. My Mom grew up in a big German family and learned to butcher, make sausage, and render lard. It might be b/c the fat came from a different part of the animal–but it should still be good! . It has no burned or off smell. Apparently its even harder than beef tallow- should be great for candles or soap! Saves scooping it out of other containers. Thank you! Tallow from pasture-raised cows also contains a small amount of Vitamin D, similar to lard. Canola oil of course was okay. Some of it will be used for mushroom confit, some for roasting carrots, and some saved for later. BUT it’s not as hard as I thought it would be. Jill, I’ve got a bunch of suet from the last 1/2 of beef we bought frozen and waiting to be rendered-I think I am going to get on it in the next few weeks, now that I know the process thanks to your post! Is it just rendering the tallow, straining and letting it harden, then rendering, straining, and hardening again? Thanks, Yes– you should be able to substitute the lard. Thank you Johanna. they gave me a small amount of fat. I let it cool down some before transferring to my glass containers, but am curious as to why this is not hard like everyone is stating. But…I must say I’m kinda disappointed there is no video I’ve found on you making beef tallow!!! I have just made this for the first time with a fairly small amount of beef fat and I ended up with two layers in the strained end product…one clear yellow as per your photo on the top and a dark gray layer underneath…Do you know what this may be? I am hoping to locate a honest butcher in the next town and see what I can get. Real Food Is For Me & You & Them & Those Other Guys, Some of my favorite things… | Upper Delaware Chapter, Weston A. . Neither one is better or worse–just different. what was the oven temp- for how long? Poured at this temp into Mason jars, the lids will seal snugly, as if they had been processed. It has a cellophane-ish coating on it and feels kind of waxy. Tallow is an excellent source of niacin, vitamins B6, B12, K2, selenium, iron, phosphorus, potassium and riboflavin. I hate to waste it and I am hoping that you or your readers can give me some advice. . I’m learning how to render lard, tallow, and other old ways of eating that have been forsaken but are vitally needed. For stove top – Set the burner on low. I love your heart that is going after the wisdom of our ancestors that is (maliciously) being buried. As the fat renders, it will slowly begin to melt and allow the “impurities” to rise to the top.,, How To Make Homemade Refried Beans :: Money Saving Mom®, Why Choose Beef Tallow? Just set the burner heat as low as it will go and check it frequently so it doesn’t burn. Definitely glad I did it outside! Threw the chunks into a pot with a quarter inch of water and heated on the stove. Next I bought 10 pounds of suet and tried to render it 3 times. When I was very young my neighbor kept a jar of her own rendered fats on her counter. My Dad loves to watch the birds, so he feeds them suet almost year-round. Check the fat occasionally for burning and give it a stir when you think about it. That comes to around 20lbs of pure white tallow. Since I used the leaf fat from around the kidneys, I had far less trimming to do than if I had chosen fat from elsewhere on the animal. Hah – this post is brilliant. Reducing Fat Levels in Ground Beef Ground beef is undoubtedly the most consumed individual meat product in the United States. I did this over the weekend to use in a fryer, but I found the fat has a smell that also got into the food I fried that I did not like. When I lived with my grandmother when I was little, she fed me and cooked with tallow and lard all the time. =), Hi I got some tallow to day. Regarding tallow, is there a rule of thumb of how much fat renders down into tallow? Click on their names to go to their articles: and and and Fatback also makes light, mild lard. And I don’t wash the carafes afterwards. . So the last 2 times I have browned beef, I have kept the grease (in a separate Mason jar from the bacon grease). Yes! You are just amazing, thank you for sharing. Thanks Jill!! lol. Well I decided to keep it on warm overnight and in the morning the cracklins didn’t look quite “fried” enough so I turned it back on low for a while. At a little country store. I slow roasted the brisket in the oven for about eight hours and saved all the drippings. Could you tell me about how many pounds of fat went into your crockpot and how many jars you filled with it? In 70-percent ground beef, 30 percent of the product -- by weight -- is fat, but it is significantly less expensive. So much easier than digging into jars with a spoon! I use the wet method to all most of the fat to warm without burning. Lastly, the “floaties” on top are called “cracklins”. This is fascinating.i never knew what tallow was before. Would you mind sharing this post on Wildcrafting Wednesday? You know them from just about every southern show on TV. i use about 2+ cups for a large batch of laundry. Use a fat separator to separate off the fat; Allow the fat to dry (or dry it by gently bringing to >100°C/212°F, beware splattering). Just just have to say I really admire you…and All your hard work! Unlike, when making some kind of poultry stock, beef tallow is harvested two times during the stock making process. Perhaps you might be able to find a local farmer, rancher, or even friend of a friend that raises their own beef? I put it on everyday. Hmmm…. I don’t know for how long before it goes bad! I found it all bound together in the slow cooker anyway. I loved your opening paragraph. I’m not sure- but I’d probably lean towards render just one kind at a time. I used this excellent guide. Paper towels will absorb much of the fat from cooked ground beef. It seems to be the hardness of Cisco at room temp. Hi Bon, it really sounds like that last round of fat was beef and not pork – maybe the butcher grabbed the wrong stash. We would like to make bars that we can cut portions from. Eat a variety of fats from plants and animals (olive and nut oils, beef, coconut, duck, goose) I would stay away from pig and chicken unless you raise them yourself due to the massive amount of crap they feed em. Fast forward a few years and I am trying to figure out how to do this. Any ideas or help would be appreciated. I find myself using tallow for non-food projects just as much as edible ones, though. I cannot wait to try rendering beef fat. Best Wishes and Happy Homesteading ! Is that normal? wax paper? Mcdonalds used to fry their french fries in tallow way back when but not anymore! Polymerized fat can still be used for candles and such but will not be useful in making soaps or have the same nutritional benefits. This is inefficient and causes inflammation. (check your canner manual for high altitude instructions, tho). Leave the lid off, and stir the fat frequently with a wooden spoon. Yes. Your post inspired me to make my own bird suet cakes with tallow! We fought over this meal and tried to get the last piece if possible. I went to ever local butcher in Sacramento California and am told they are not allowed to sell it. Yay! 8. 2. Animal fat undergoes fine clarification and liquification at around 203 degrees Fahrenheit, making boiling the most efficient method for rendering fat from beef, pork and chicken in the home kitchen. butcher. I just acquired a 5-6 qt dutch oven. You end up with lard from pork fat, tallow from beef or lamb fat, schmaltz from chicken or goose fat, and ghee from butter fat. i kind of burnt the tallow….is there any way i can use it?….i don’t want to throw it out :/, Does it smell pretty burnt? I assume not much difference in weight since we are boiling down the water and impurities and there is minimal in a good quality suet. Freeze chunks for a suet feeder, or mince and freeze and add to whatever feeder will have big enough openings for it – or toss on the ground with bird seed. I asked my local Whole Foods to save any grass-fed beef fat trimmings for me. After I poured it into bowls to harden and separate fat from water, it was firm at room temperature but a bit crumbly so I reheated it for a bit thinking it had not diven off all the moisture. I have had bacon fat in my fridge my whole life (I didn’t realize everyone didn’t until a friend came over and was appealed at it) but recently thought “why not keep beef fat to use when I’m cooking deer meat?” (Which I’m sure you know is VERY lean.) If the fat is from a dairy breed, then it’s likely the hardened tallow will be bright yellow. It is kind of hard to get it out of the jar when it’s cold! Hi, I am fairly new to the idea of rendering fat. As you brown ground beef in a skillet, the fat renders out. is it a waste of time to render the regular beef fat, or will we still gain some nutrition from it? MIne was a beef raised for butcher – no hormones or antibiotics but was most likely finished out with corn before slaughter. Growing up there was always a tub of beef fat in the kitchen for cooking and frying. It also made my dogs crazy So now I get to figure out all the ways I will be using it. Jill – I just LOVE you! how long after getting your fat from the butcher can you keep it in the fridge before rendering it? Trust me on that.] I took some photos – I’ll try to get them posted on my blog soon. I thought I had ruined it last night! I cut it up into nice steaks but had a lot of trim fat left over. Will my tallow still be good for use in cooking? Copyright © 2021 The Prairie Homestead  •  All rights reserved  •  Site Design by Emily White Designs, Save time & money as you build your homestead with my. I do this when I make butter, since the ice cubes are each 2 Tblspoons- nice for using in recipes or for sauteing or frying. Also, it smells like an old grease pan. (Did you know that McDonald’s used to fry their French fries in tallow back in the day? Rendering tallow is NOT difficult, however, it can take a little bit of time. (Your fat most likely will not be this yellow. I believe that the temp of the oil should be around 350 degrees- but I don’t have a frying thermometer, so I usually just throw a “test fry” in and wait until it starts sizzling. And I have also rendered the fat from deer – absolutely lovely! However, be prepared that the smell of tallow while it’s rendering is… funky. […], […] How to render beef tallow – This is the crockpot method mentioned above. This is only the second time I rendered tallow and the first batch hardened but even refrigerated this batch is staying soft enough to pour. Oh, and as a conversation starter. So convenient! Rendered the tallow last night – kinda messy fun – and it is beautiful! I’ve got the filling pretty much perfected but am still working on getting the crust just right. It is almost completely saturated fat which is very stable, so it is unlikely to go rancid even at room temperature. greasy mess. It looks like small gelatin clumps when it’s hot. Totally agree– I feel MUCH better when I eat healthy fats too! Also, get with a hunter if you can for the duck, goose, bear, moose fat. (save the ‘broth’ in a separate container in the freezer for soup. It has a cellophane-ish coating on it and feels kind of waxy. If we can’t use it for cooking, is there any other way to use it? Scooping it out of a jar is a pain but effective method of storing. I’ve rendered pork fat several times to use in biscuit baking, but I do it in the oven using low temps/long period of bake time. Not sure I dare make anything else with this in case I ruin the food I put into it. Have you found how to store it at room temperature for long period of time? Hope you find a good butcher! So, when breakfast comes, I mix it with a baked potato or an egg, or grits, or whatever. Thanks for the great information. We use candles and oil lamps for light so I decided to use the tallow from our cow we just butchered for candles sticks to save on some money from not having to buy candles at the store. What a great post. It is wonderful to fry chicken in and to pop popcorn! I’m going to use a cast iron pot on my vintage gas stove. The liquid can be cooked down into a thick soup or paste and frozen for later use. Now, it’s just a waiting game. If it’s not a pure, you might need to keep it in the fridge, but it should still be good for cooking. It has worked wonders. thank you one and all for your comments on rendering and using beef tallow…pg , Yay! You can talk in 5 gallon buckets if that suits . Its total weight harvested two times during the stock making process an oven safe dish and baking it room..., Unfortunately, i strained it through a coffee filter into a wax paper lined Pyrex container to survive winters. 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